Here are four tips to help you avoid scams and keep your belongings safe while traveling in Paris

Here are four tips to help you avoid scams and keep your belongings safe while traveling in Paris

In beautiful Paris, during the day and at night, everyone, young and old, will love exploring. But, you might have heard that there are people who try to trick tourists. We don't want these tricksters to ruin our trip, so let's be prepared with safety tips for a safe visit to Paris.

Is the gold ring yours?

While strolling along the Seine River in Paris, you hear a clinking sound as a old woman passes by.

She stops you, holding out a gold ring, insisting it's yours. But you know it's not yours.

She insists, saying, "This ring is precious. You should take it for the sake of love or luck."

Then, she adds, "Since I found this lucky gold ring for you, you should give me money as thanks."

If something like this happens, remember, if it's not yours, don't take it. Just ignore such people.

A Rose with thorns

If someone walks up to you and gives you fresh roses as a gift, be wary. Their eyes won't be filled with kindness and love anymore.

They might immediately ask for money, and even if you try to return the flowers, they could insist persistently and follow you around.

In romantic Paris, famous for its romantic atmosphere, roses can become a tool for scams.

If you want to remember roses as simply beautiful flowers, the safety precaution is to reject items given by strangers claiming them as gifts.

Infamous Pickpockets

When preparing for a trip to Paris, along with Tripcoupon membership, it's important to have items that can help protect you from pickpockets.

Among the common tactics used by pickpockets in Paris, two of the most frequent are pretending to jog past you to create a friendly impression or pretending to be a lost tourist asking for directions while you're looking at a map.

In both cases, their goal is to distract you so that your wallet becomes vulnerable and easily accessible.

For safety, especially when visiting places like the Louvre Museum or other popular attractions, pay extra attention to your valuables and keep them securely stored in zippered pockets.

The King of sales on the street!

Remembering your trip to Paris and buying souvenirs for your friends is great, but buying from just anyone can be risky.

Major tourist spots are the good place for sellers who known for aggressive selling tactics targeting tourists. They may start off friendly, but once they sense your interest, they can become insistent about you buying something.

These hustlers often target one person persistently, and you don't want to be their target. So, as a safety measure, it's best to avoid engaging with street vendors who aggressively push souvenirs on you. It's safer to buy souvenirs from established shops.