Saipan Weather Information: Perfect Climate for Your Dream Vacation

Saipan Weather Information: Perfect Climate for Your Dream Vacation


Saipan: A Year-Round Tropical Paradise

The weather in Saipan is always a captivating factor for travelers planning their trips, providing a perfect environment for various activities throughout the year.

In this issue, we will introduce Saipan's monthly weather information to help our readers choose the best time to visit and plan their perfect trip.

Area: 119 km²

Maximum Length: 19.3 km

Location: Pacific Ocean

Population: 43,385 (as of 2020)

Saipan, with an area of 115.39 km², is the largest island and the capital of the Northern Mariana Islands, a group of 15 tropical islands lined up in the western Pacific Ocean.

Despite being classified as a U.S. territory, Saipan exhibits a blend of Spanish and Carolinian cultures.

The island is a popular tourist destination, attracting numerous visitors each year with its natural beauty, characterized by blue seas, open skies, diverse flora, historical sites, and cultural events.

◆ Typhoon Risk in Saipan

Saipan is located in the Pacific's typhoon belt, making it susceptible to typhoons, especially during the rainy season from July to November. It is crucial to monitor typhoon forecasts carefully when planning a trip during this period.

◆ Sea Temperature in Saipan

The sea temperature in Saipan is generally warm, ranging from 28°C (82°F) to 30°C (86°F), making it ideal for swimming and water sports.

◆ Monthly Temperature

January – March: The Start of the Dry Season

New year, Saipan enters the dry season from January to March.

The average temperature during this period is a comfortable 26-28°C with minimal rainfall, making it perfect for outdoor activities.

This is the best time for sunbathing, snorkeling, and diving.

April – June: Warm Spring Vibes

From April to June, the dry season continues, and the temperature rises to about 27-29°C.

The sea becomes warmer, making it an excellent time for water sports.

Hiking and golfing are also ideal activities to enjoy Saipan's beautiful nature.

July – September: The Start of the Rainy Season and Tropical Climate

July to September marks the beginning of the rainy season in Saipan.

The average temperature is 28-30°C, characterized by hot and humid weather.

Though brief, frequent showers occur, typically clearing up quickly, ensuring minimal disruption to plans.

Experience the charm of the tropical rainforest and the refreshing air of Saipan's true nature.

October – December: Transition Back to the Dry Season

From October to December, Saipan transitions back to the dry season.

The temperature is a pleasant 27-29°C with minimal rainfall, offering ideal conditions for various outdoor activities.

Enjoy Saipan's clear waters and stunning sunsets during this perfect time of the year.

◆ Best Time to Visit Saipan

The best time to visit Saipan is from December to April when the rainfall is minimal, and the temperature is moderate.

Visiting during this period allows you to experience Saipan's most beautiful natural scenery.

Don’t miss out on the perfect conditions for a wide range of outdoor activities and water sports.

Saipan's weather is mild and pleasant year-round, allowing you to enjoy its beautiful nature and diverse activities anytime you visit.

When planning your trip to Saipan, consider the weather for each period to choose the optimal travel time.

Create unforgettable memories in Saipan, a paradise blessed with natural wonders.