Fukuoka Weather Preview

Fukuoka Weather Preview


Fukuoka: The Charm of Four Seasons

Fukuoka, located in the northern part of Kyushu Island, Japan, boasts a mild climate throughout the year.

Each season has its unique charm, offering travelers a variety of enjoyable experiences.

Let's take a look at Fukuoka's weather

◆ Monthly Weather Information

January - March: The End of Winter and the Beginning of Spring

Temperature: Average 5°C - 15°C

Characteristics: Although it is winter, Fukuoka's winter is relatively mild.

In January and February, temperatures can occasionally drop below freezing, but most days are just chilly.

By March, the temperature gradually rises, and you can feel the onset of spring.

This period sees the blooming of plum blossoms and cherry blossoms, creating beautiful landscapes.

April - June: The Peak of Spring and Early Summer

Temperature: Average 15°C - 25°C

Characteristics: April and May are the best months to visit Fukuoka.

The cherry blossoms are in full bloom, and the temperatures are warm, making it perfect for outdoor activities.

June marks the beginning of the rainy season, so it's advisable to carry an umbrella. However, the temperatures remain pleasant.

July - September: Summer Heat and Typhoons

Temperature: Average 25°C - 35°C

Characteristics: Fukuoka's summer is hot and humid. In July and August, temperatures often exceed 30°C, leading to very warm weather.

This period also has a high likelihood of typhoons, so it's important to be cautious when planning your trip.

By September, temperatures start to drop gradually, easing the summer heat.

October - December: The Beauty of Autumn and the Start of Winter

Temperature: Average 10°C - 20°C

Characteristics: October and November are beautiful months to experience the charm of autumn.

The temperatures cool down, and the autumn foliage reaches its peak, allowing you to fully enjoy Fukuoka's nature.

By December, winter begins, with temperatures dropping further but remaining mild.

It's a great time to enjoy the Christmas and year-end atmosphere.

◆ Tips for Traveling to Fukuoka

Clothing: It's important to prepare clothing suitable for each season. In winter, warm coats and sweaters are necessary.

In summer, light clothing, hats, and sunscreen are essential.

For spring and autumn, light jackets or sweaters are recommended.

Umbrella: Fukuoka tends to have frequent rain, especially during the rainy season (June) and typhoon season (July-September). Carrying an umbrella is advisable.

Activities: Spring and autumn are great for outdoor activities, while summer is perfect for enjoying the beach and water sports.

In winter, relaxing in a hot spring is a wonderful option.

Fukuoka is a city with diverse charms throughout the year. Plan your trip according to the season to fully appreciate Fukuoka's beauty and culture.

Enjoy your time in this lovely city and make unforgettable memories!