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Serene spa hoian_shop_facilities_picture
Serene spa hoian_shop_facilities_picture
Serene spa hoian_shop_facilities_picture
Serene spa hoian_shop_facilities_picture
Serene spa hoian_shop_facilities_picture
Serene spa hoian_shop_facilities_picture
Serene spa hoian_shop_facilities_picture
Serene spa hoian_shop_facilities_picture
Serene spa hoian_shop_facilities_picture
Serene spa hoian_shop_facilities_picture

Serene spa hoian

In a recent open, a place where both facilities and services are top-notch! A place where you can experience customized excellence.

Membership Benefits
Up to 15% discount when using the program(varies by visit time)
• 15% discount for visits in the morning(09:30-12:00)
• 10% discount for visits in the afternoon(12:30-21:00)
Menu (2)
Recommended Menu
How to use
    • Before ordering and at the time of payment, press the [Get Benefits] button and show the staff your screen (requires Trip Coupon membership purchase).
    • After use, press the [Finish] button to finalize.
    • Captured screens are restricted, so be sure to present the actual screen.
    • Due to regional characteristics, service charges and taxes may apply separately.
    • It cannot be combined with other discount services, coupons, events, or affiliate cards.
    • Address: 06 Hoàng Diệu, Phường Minh An, Hội An, Quảng Nam 560000 Vietnam  
    • Hours : 10:00-22:00
    • Contact : +84 888-183-368
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