Three Star Deluxe Sunset Dinner & Show - 3Star Cruise_restaurant_food_image
Three Star Deluxe Sunset Dinner & Show - 3Star Cruise_restaurant_food_image
Three Star Deluxe Sunset Dinner & Show - 3Star Cruise_restaurant_food_image
Three Star Deluxe Sunset Dinner & Show - 3Star Cruise_restaurant_food_image
Three Star Deluxe Sunset Dinner & Show - 3Star Cruise_restaurant_food_image

Three Star Deluxe Sunset Dinner & Show - 3Star Cruise

Enjoying the sunset and night view in the Waikiki Sea!

Membership Benefits
15% discount code provided (advance reservation required)

※ Discount codes are provided only to those who purchase a trip coupon membership.
※ For further details, such as discount code application and reservation method, please check the Trip Coupon website → Membership Benefits → Star of Honolulu - 3 Star Cruise 15% discount product.
※ When you click the [Receive Benefits] button below, you will be moved to the Trip Coupon main screen.
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How to use
    • After purchasing a trip coupon membership, please check the membership benefit section for details such as a 15% discount code and reservation method.
    • To receive the discount, you must make a reservation through the Star of Honolulu official website.

    • cruise
    • Live shows
    • Dinner (5-course lobster, tenderloin steak dinner)
    • Address: 1 Aloha Tower Dr, Honolulu, HI 96813 미국  
    • Check-in time: 45 minutes before departure
    • Operating Hours:
    - Saturday to Thursday 17:30-19:30 (2 hours)
    - Friday 17:30-20:30 (3 hours)
    • Contact: +1808-983-7827
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