Bateaux-mouches Dinner Cruise_restaurant_food_image
Bateaux-mouches Dinner Cruise_restaurant_food_image
Bateaux-mouches Dinner Cruise_restaurant_food_image
Bateaux-mouches Dinner Cruise_restaurant_food_image

Bateaux-mouches Dinner Cruise

If you want to see Paris live and live, Paris Bateaux-mouches Dinner Cruise!

Membership Benefits
15% discount code provided (advance reservation required)

※ Discount codes are provided only to those who purchase a trip coupon membership.
※ For further details, such as discount code application and reservation method, please check the Trip Coupon website → Membership Benefits → Batomouche Dinner Cruise 15% discount product.
※ When you click the [Receive Benefits] button below, you will be moved to the Trip Coupon main screen.
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How to use
    • After purchasing a trip coupon membership, please check the membership benefit section for details such as a 15% discount code and reservation method.
    • Discounts can only be applied when making reservations through the Batomouche Reservation Department email (discount codes cannot be applied when making reservations on the Batomouche website).

    • 2 hours and 15 minutes cruise (actual travel time after boarding)
    • Dinner (choose option 1 or option 2 when making reservation)
    2. Enter passenger's name, boarding date, option name, number of people, and trip coupon discount code in the body of the email (required in English)

    Name : Hong, Gil dong
    Date : 2024-12-31
    Option : Dinner Cruise
    Pax : 2 Adults
    Promotion code : Tripcoupon01

    3. Send an e-mail
    ※ The Batomushu reservation department will check the availability of reservation and reply (expected to take 1 to 3 business days)

    4. Send payment link from Batomouche reservation department when reservation is available
    ※ Check the final amount and proceed with the payment

    5. Bring the mobile voucher you received after payment and get on the cruise on time of boarding!

    • This discount code 'Tripcoupon01' is only available and applicable through the Batomouche reservation department email.
    • Please also request cancellation and refund via Batomush Reservation Department email, and make sure to check the cancellation and refund regulations before requesting.
    • The responsibility for the product transaction information and transactions, such as cruise reservation and payment, rests with the product supplier (Batomouche Cruise).
    • It cannot be applied in duplicate with other discount services and coupons, events, and affiliate cards.

    • 2 hours 15 minutes cruise (actual travel time after boarding)
    • Dinner (but option 1 or option 2 on reservation)
    • Address: Pont de l'Alma, Port de la Conférence, 75008 Paris, 프랑스  
    • Operating date: Every day
    • Boarding time: 19:30-20:15
    • Departure time: 20:30 (2 hours and 15 minutes cruise)
    • Contact: +33 1 42 25 96 10
    • E-mail :
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