Potter's gallery at Hilton
Potter's gallery at Hilton
Potter's gallery at Hilton
Potter's gallery at Hilton
Potter's gallery at Hilton
Potter's gallery at Hilton

Potter's gallery at Hilton

A unique and perfect souvenir which is pottery from Guam!

Membership Benefits
• Benefit 1: 10% discount on pottery purchases.
- Pottery purchases are eligible for packaging in cushioning material(bubble wrap).
• Benefit 2: 10% discount on pottery painting experience.
How to use
    [Notice for Painting Experience]
    • Pottery painting classes are conducted only in English.
    • Finished products can be received up to 48 hours after completion (drying, heating, cooling).
    • Free delivery is available to hotels within Tumon, additional charges apply for delivery to other hotels or to Korea.
    • Pottery experience costs vary depending on the type (cups $40 to pots $70 / approximately 30 minutes to 90 minutes).
    • The experience room can accommodate up to 10 people, so please make a reservation in advance via the email below.
    • Address: The Hilton Resort and Spa, 202 Hilton Road Unit #3, Tumon, 96913 괌  
    • Hours :
    - Tuesday~Friday 11:30-19:00
    - Saturday 11:00-19:30
    - Sunday 11:30-17:00
    ※ Monday closed
    • Contact : +1 671-689-3661
    • Reservation :
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