La Vallee Village
La Vallee Village
La Vallee Village
La Vallee Village
La Vallee Village
La Vallee Village
La Vallee Village

La Vallee Village

The largest outlet in Europe!

Membership Benefits
The affiliated stores registered with the E-VIP pass offer a 10% discount.
How to use
    • Click the [Download E-VIP Pass] button on the Trip Coupon partner page.
    • Choose the country - South Korea, then click the [Submit] button.
    • Keep the pass issued exclusively for Trip Coupon customers in advance before departure or shopping.
    • Present the E-VIP pass when making a payment at La Vallée Village brand stores.
    • Cannot be combined with other discount services, coupons, events, or affiliated cards.
    • Address: 3 Cr de la Garonne, 77700 Serris, 프랑스  
    • Hours : 10:00-20:00
    • Contact : +33 1 60 42 35 00
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