Hard Rock Cafe - Honolulu_restaurant_food_image
Hard Rock Cafe - Honolulu_restaurant_food_image
Hard Rock Cafe - Honolulu_restaurant_food_image
Hard Rock Cafe - Honolulu_restaurant_food_image
Hard Rock Cafe - Honolulu_restaurant_food_image

Hard Rock Cafe - Honolulu

Enjoy beer and the night view of Waikiki on the outdoor terrace of Hard Rock Cafe, a brand from around the world

Membership Benefits
15% discount on menu orders(excluding drinks)
Menu (8)
Recommended Menu
How to use
    • Before ordering and at the time of payment, press the [Get Benefits] button and show the staff your screen (requires Trip Coupon membership purchase).
    • After use, press the [Finish] button to finalize.
    • Captured screens are restricted, so be sure to present the actual screen.
    • Due to regional characteristics, service charges and taxes may apply separately.
    • It cannot be combined with other discount services, coupons, events, or affiliate cards.

    [Table Reservation]
    ※ Discounts are only available for members who have purchased a membership, separate from table reservations.
    • Please select the exact visit date, number of people, and number of tables before making a reservation.
    • If more than 5 minutes have passed since the reserved visit time, the reservation will be automatically canceled, and Trip Coupon is not responsible for this. Please be punctual.
    • When visiting, show the local staff the reservation details screen on My Page > Table Reservation (date of visit and English name confirmation required).
    • The number of tables you selected when making the reservation may differ from the actual number of tables assigned (tables may be allocated by the local vendor based on the number of people).
    • Address: 280 Beach Walk, Honolulu, HI 96815, United States  
    • Hours :
    - Monday~Thursday 10:00-22:00
    - Friday~Saturday 10:00-23:00
    • Contact: +1 808-955-7383
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